

GIRL!!!! ๐Ÿ’–

We can hardly believe it and have been on cloud 9 since finding out! 

A little baby girl who will have two amazing big brothers to protect her, I truly couldn’t feel happier if I tried. We would have been thrilled to give the boys another brother and add another son to our family, but we were really hoping we would be able to have a daughter since this is most likely our last child. 

Ever since my mom passed away when I was a teenager, I’ve always had a strong desire to have a mother daughter relationship with my own daughter, and I have cried so many happy tears that I will have that opportunity (and how cool is it that my due date is within a few weeks of my mom's birthday?) The boys are truly so excited to have a little sister...they ran around the house screaming when we told them and told me they wanted to go buy her a new toy....a monster truck to be exact, haha! And as for Camden? Apparently we never needed to get a blood test done because he told Billy a few days before we found out that we were pregnant, “I have a little brother and soon I’m going to be getting a little sister!” ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜‚ 

This entire pregnancy I’ve really felt in my heart that this baby is a girl, but logic kept telling me boy! This pregnancy has been the exact opposite of both the boys' (a whole new post for a different day) that it just makes so much sense. We found out on Thursday and it has been the hardest secret to keep, even if it’s only been a few days! We have just been really soaking it up, telling our families (they are ecsatic!), feeling thankful that she is healthy, and naturally I had to run out and get a quick shopping trip in for this little girl! Let's not even talk about the fact of how much trouble I'm going to be in now that I get to shop in all the sections....

Thank you so much for all for your love, and can’t wait to share my first bump date post soon! 

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