


Ever since I quit my job and decided to be a SAHM back in April, I feel like I've had a pretty good handle on our weeks. Meaning -- I feel like for the most part the weeks go pretty quickly and our days flow really smoothly with the boys (which is great), but man oh man...not this week. It has just been one of those weeks where everyday has seemed to be a challenge. I've just felt exhausted and have been super forgetful..Grayson had to get 4 shots..Cam is still taking forever to go to bed at night (which is totally draining both of us)..and we've just had a lot going on lately in general which has left little time to get things done. 

Even with the exhaustion and challenging days {comes with any job}, I wouldn't rather be anywhere else than at home with them. BUT...I am REALLY looking forward to re-charging my batteries this weekend & just RELAXING. No set plans. No places we have to be. And my husband letting me sleep in one morning. So much yes.

They sure are cute though, right? 😊


I purchased a fewwww more things from the Nordstrom sale (#guilty) once I saw they were restocked...

 This Patagonia Zip Pullover that I plan to give Billy for Christmas (such a good deal and all sizes are still left)

These Zella High Waist Moto Leggings (they sold out on me when I tried buying them the first time around!) 


I've recently gone to the dark side...

which is the world of black coffee. I NEVER thought I would be able to cut back // give up on my beloved creamer (I miss you) but it is possible. Not nearly as fun or yummy, but possible. 


If you haven't seen on instagram or snapchat, we bought a bounce house. It has a basketball hoop and the boys absolutely love it! We're officially those parents that have a gaudy blow up item in our backyard and hey, it's been so worth it. We don't keep it up all the time obviously, but we've already gotten a lot of use out of it and it seriously only takes a minute to set up and take down. 

{We bought it off of someone in our neighborhood who was selling it, otherwise I would share the name/model of it, I haven't found it online!} And since it fits in our basement too, so I have a feeling it's going to come in handy this winter! 

Sorry to our neighbors for the giant eyesore...


 This should have been the first thing that I listed, but I have a problem. I cannot stop eating all of the new flavors of Angie’s BOOMCHICKAPOP! Angie's popcorn has been a favorite snack of mine for so long, but the Milk Chocolatly Peanut Butter (seriously...as good as it sounds)  flavor takes it to a whole different LEVEL. Run to get yourself some! {and some White Claw too...another favorite of mine this summer!} 


1 comment

  1. Oh friend, I feel ya - I have been absolutely exhausted this past week!!! So much so that I had a 3 hour nap on Saturday AND Sunday!!!! Praying this week is a better week for you x


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