
Grayson: 1 Month Old

Weight: 10 lbs 1 oz. (Camden was only 8 lbs 12 oz!)

Height: 22 inches

Hair: Brown 

Eyes: Blue 

Clothes: Completely out of newborn and in 0-3 or 3 month for Carters stuff

Diapers: Size 1

Sleeping: He goes to bed around 8/830 and normally wakes up once around 2-3 to feed then goes back to bed until 630ish! I really hope he continues to sleep this well! He naps really well on the go too, which is nice since we are out and about a lot. When we're at home, we swaddle him for both naps and night sleep! 

Likes: We think he likes getting baths so far since there's been no tears or screaming-success! He loves the rock and play, sleeping on my chest, and tummy time until he's had enough and I've made him do it for too long. :) 

Dislikes: Waiting to be fed and having gas 

Eating: Every 3 hours during the day and then the longer stretches at night. We recently switched to bottle feeding him, and he takes one just fine! He does spit up a lot sometimes though so we go through a good amount of clothes and burp cloths... 

Milestones: I got my first smile out of him the other day (8/31) which was awesome. He has held his head up really well since he was born (seriously-the nurses were commenting on it!) and has strong little legs - he's always kicking them just like Camden did.

We adore his sweet demeanor and how chill he is! He hardly ever cries and is just a very content little boy. Even when big brother tries to love on him a little TOO hard and practically smashes/sits on him. ha. We can tell already how much Cam loves him...he's always trying to kiss him, give him his paci, or share his balls with him. Happy 1 month, baby G! We love you so much and can't wait to watch you grow over the next year!

Mommy's Favorites: Chicco Key Fit Car Seat // Covered Goods // Wubbanub's // Swaddle Me // DOHM Noise Machine

Favorite Pictures This Month: 


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