
A Day In The Life

Hola friends! Today I wanted to share a little day in the life with 2 kids under 2.

Let me preface this by saying that not pictured in this post are the mini meltdowns that Camden has from time to time (I'm such a bad mom for not allowing him to throw balls at our tv...), our kitchen countertops that have dirty dishes on them, things that are thrown during the times that I feed the baby or pump, and the crazy amount of diapers that I change. That being said, the transition from 1 to 2 kids has been really smooth for us, and there is nothing I love more than being home with my two boys and spending time with them!

Our daily routine (Camden 20 months old, Grayson 7 weeks old)-

630-7am: feed Grayson whenever he wakes up. He currently wakes once in the middle of the night to eat, around 3 or 4am (so good I know-so thankful!), and then normally he's up around 630 or 7. He currently eats every 3 hours during the day. When he wakes a little before 7 it's nice because it gives me a chance to get him fed before Camden is up (he wakes at 7 but is normally content in his crib until 715-730.) It's easier right now to do it this way because I like being able to get Camden up and sit with him in the mornings too so this way I'm able to help both of them. There are mornings though that Billy will give the baby a bottle in the morning to give me a break and I will either get ready for the day, or get Camden up during that time.

One thing I learned early on was that I have to get myself ready for the day before Billy leaves for work otherwise I just don't have the time to do it and I look like a hot mess in public. I like to get out of the house at least once per day with them (so Camden can burn off some energy and because I prefer getting out and doing something) so this way I can get it done pretty quickly and I'm ready for when we decide to leave. (PS-A lot of people have asked me how I get out of the house so much early on. I typically leave right after Grayson is fed so that he is content on the go and will most likely nap. It also gives us the most time to be out and about before he wants to eat again.)

After Grayson is fed, I put him back in the rock and play (that he currently sleeps in during the day and at night) to go back to bed for a bit. Now that he's getting older he can stay awake longer so sometimes I'll leave him up for a bit before putting him back down.

7-730: Get Camden out of his crib, change his clothes, and bring him downstairs for milk and breakfast. I still like to sit with him when he gets his milk so we cuddle on the couch for a bit. Billy takes Camden for a ride in the wagon while taking Rocky out for a little walk.

8: Camden eats breakfast. This changes but is normally eggs, half a bagel, and some fruit. His fav! Grayson is either sleeping or if he's awake I will put him on the newborn lounger pillow on the table to sit with us while Camden eats.

830-930: Grayson sleeps and I play with Camden one on one. We do puzzles, read books, or sit outside on the deck and play with his toys.

9:30 or 10: Feed Grayson. Cam will either play on his own at this time, come sit by me on the couch, and then other times I will have to put an episode of Mickey Mouse on so that he doesn't destroy our house in the meantime. :) I wish I had some magical answer on how I occupy him when I feed the baby, but I don't! Turning on his favorite show isn't the best answer, but it gives me the time I need to get the baby fed and he is content.

10-1130 or 12: Grayson gets some tummy time in and then this is normally when we will leave the house and go to the park, run errands, go to the mall, etc. Grayson naps on the go for the majority of the time.

12-1230: Camden eats lunch. He eats 75% of it and the other 25% is given to Rocky. He may even throw some. Definitely going through that phase right now (SO FUN!) Grayson eats around this time too, so sometimes I am literally feeding Camden with one hand while feeding Grayson a bottle with the other hand. Oh, and sometimes I may even feed myself during this time too. Multi-tasking has taken on a whole new meaning lately!

1230-3: Camden naps and the nap time hustle for me begins! I literally bounce around the house trying to pick up things, clean, check emails, eat lunch myself if I didn't earlier (usually in 2 minutes), or relax on the couch for a bit. There are definitely days where I choose to just sit my butt on the couch and cuddle up with Grayson while he naps. It's nice that Grayson does nap when Camden does (at least an hour or so) because having that little break to myself is much needed!

3: Camden wakes up and I give him a snack while I feed Grayson.

330-530: More play time for Camden. Grayson does tummy time before taking another nap. We typically go on a walk around the neighborhood at this time before Grayson naps, or walk over to our neighborhood park.

530: The craziest part of the day begins! I feed Camden dinner and immediately feed Grayson because he likes to eat at this time as well. Billy isn't home from work yet and both the boys are getting tired / more fussy, and of course Rocky loves to act up around this time as well so sometimes I enjoy a nice glass of wine at this time too.

6: Play with both boys and Billy gets home from work around this time or around 615. Billy will give Camden his bath and do his bedtime routine, or hang out with the baby depending on the day. We like to switch on and off who does Camden's bedtime routine and who spends time with the baby. Grayson usually takes his last nap of the day (a short one) around 630 so we both read a couple books/play with Camden a bit before he goes to bed. Once Grayson is a little older, we plan to give them baths and do their bedtime routine together but this works for us for now!

7: Camden gets his teeth brushed, tucked in, and is in bed for the night. Grayson naps until around 8. This is when me and Billy usually eat dinner, which lately is something really quick that I can throw together in a matter of 15 minutes. I've been also trying to workout / go for a run outside at this time. Sometimes if Billy gets home earlier we will eat as a family, but that's rare because Billy works late.

8: Grayson's bedtime routine (which is pretty much just bath, pajamas, bottle, swaddle) then put in his rock and play to go to sleep for the night. We just lay him down and he normally is asleep pretty quickly. He does really well taking naps/going to bed on his own, so we don't ever have to rock him. Some nights I crave that extra alone time with him so I will just hold him for a while while he sleeps while I'm watching tv.

9-1030: Relax with Billy / blog / or fall asleep early on the couch. Typically we're in bed by 1030 for the night. #old #tired #worthit :)

And then it starts all over again the next morning! Our days can be exhausting (I'm exhausted just typing this out...), but it is so worth it and every week it seems to get a little bit easier. If there is one suggestion that I have for those of you reading who might be pregnant with #2 or will be trying soon, it would be to keep your first child's schedule or routine the same when you're on maternity leave. We are so glad we still sent Camden to his nanny's two days per week because we know he truly loves going there (plus the social interaction), and since bringing home a baby is a big enough transition in itself we didn't want to change something else for him. He has transitioned really well and those 2 days that I have had alone with Grayson are literally everything!

All of this will soon be changing since my maternity leave is over next week (boo!) but I'm still just working part time so I will have 2 days at home with them. It's honestly the perfect balance for me because I do enjoy getting out of the house and having a work life too.

Alright, I think that covers way more than you all cared to know. If anyone has any other questions, feel free to comment below or email them to me! Happy hump day!


  1. I love these posts and our days are very similar when I'm home with the 2 boys on Mondays and Fridays! One question, when and how do you pump?? This has been the most difficult part of being alone with the 2 of them. Those boys are just too cute! Enjoy your maternity leave!!

  2. Oh my I feel like I have 100 questions but at the same time I don't know what to ask! Thinking about adding another baby in the mix is so overwhelming so this is helpful. We are in the midst of those little tantrums so that's a big fear of mine is how to handle that along with a newborn. You seem to have it all together so will you just move to Lex for a couple months and be my baby #2 coach? Ha! Thank you for this though- it is helpful to look and think ahead.

  3. Love this! I'm pregnant with #2 and they will be almost exactly 18 months apart so very similar to your situation :)


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