
Getting Into Shape After Baby

Today is a high of 5. Five. But no, let's not give this miserable weather the attention it deserves...

Instead...something positive. Guess who was officially cleared by my doctor the other day to get back into working out + running?!

Picture me raising both of my hands and clapping over here! I could've started after 4 weeks off per his recommendation, but I decided to wait until now (closer to 5 weeks) to step back into one of my favorite spaces again. I always wondered throughout my pregnancy if I would have the same motivation to work out after having Camden came that I did prior, just because of wanting the most time with him as possible, but right now the desire and motivation is definitely there. A healthy mom makes me a happier mom!

I know it'll be tough when I go back to work after my maternity leave is over...I mean, I can imagine trying to fit in baby time, work, dinner, and exercising. That sounds tough. I KNOW it will be tough, but you make time for what's important, right?

I plan to start back up exactly how I left off...very slowly! I have 8 lbs left to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and my plan is to first focus on getting my core back, before anything else, after 9 months of NOT having one. Because abs...what are those?! Breastfeeding...pumping...and just constantly bending over/holding a baby really takes a toll on your back so working on my core will help strengthen those back muscles and help me have stronger runs. I've also got what many call the "mom pooch" (such an attractive term) going on, so I hope to go back to eating really healthy and focusing on getting rid of that. You know, before summer comes and my bikinis are staring at me in the face (special thanks to Target for already having bathing suits out..#not)

Here's some of my favorite exercises I've been doing that I'll do before each cardio session. Even if you aren't in the same boat that I am, these are some awesome exercises to add into your routine if you want to tone up before spring break or summer. If you aren't sure what some of the exercises are, just google them and pictures will come up!

+ situps // oblique crunches // planks (regular + both sides) //  crossover crunch // flutter kicks // dumbbell side bends // russian twist // lunges // squats

And here's some of my favorite circuits! The easiest way to remember these, for me, is to pin them to my Pinterest and then take a screenshot on my iPhone of them so that when I'm at the gym I can just pull up my camera roll (or my Pinterest board) and follow along that way...

I'm hoping posting this will hold me accountable and keep me motivated to shed these last 8 lbs. I've heard losing the last of the baby weight can be tough, so I know I've got my work cut out for me! 

Anyone else trying to lose baby weight or have in the past? What worked for you? Any tips?!


  1. My son is 14 weeks old and I still have a couple pounds to lose. But instead of focusing on the scale I'm really trying to focus on regaining the muscle I lost during pregnancy. I worked out until I gave birth and was back at it 2 weeks postpartum but it's still hard! Clean eating is definitely super important too. I was pretty lax with my eating the first few weeks but once I started eating clean again I felt better and my work outs improved big time. Keep doing what you're doing - your body didn't make a baby over night so your body isn't going to bounce back over night either (something I am constantly telling myself when I get frustrated that I don't have my 6 pack abs yet!) We WILL be ready for summer :) Keep up the great work!
    Renee @ www.thechiway.weebly.com

  2. Are you using any sort of Belly Band to help your stomach return to normal?

  3. Core is key! After both of my pregnancies I felt like my core was so weak and I developed pains everywhere. Those are great circuits. I find that I am never successful being self disciplined with those though...Something to work on.

  4. I love these core circuits, thanks for posting them! 530 am is when I work out so I can still get a ton of time with my little family in the afternoon/evening. It is tough getting up early, but so worth it to have it done! Clean eating is the best way to get rid of the "mom pooch". 8lbs..you totally will be in your bikini come summer!!! :)

  5. You are my hero! I will be saving this for future reference ;)

  6. You rock mama! I had a son (Camden also!) on Dec 10th and an 18 month old as well and today was my first day back at the gym! I felt a little lost since my body is still recovering so thanks for the info! www.chasingdreamsandcatchinglife.blogspot.com

  7. I love all of these exercises and I love how motivated you are! Have you ever taken a barre class? Those are great for toning and the one I work at has a great Baby Bounce Back program for new mommies!

  8. My son was born on 1/24 and I had a (unplanned) C-section so I know my recovery time is a bit longer but I cannot wait to get the go ahead to start working out again! I've already started doing some squats and doing some light yoga/stretching exercises. Breastfeeding has been a BIG help in losing most of the weight. I've already signed up for a 5K race in May so I have even more motivation to get in shape.

  9. That's great you only have 8 pounds to go! I am down to 10 pounds and I feel like it will be tough to lose these last 10... The first 30 (yea yikes!) fell off pretty quick with breastfeeding/pumping and eating better. Now I really ned to buckle down and work on my core so these workout circuits are perfect!


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