You know what this means...still pregnant over here!
It's weird. This is exactly the situation we hoped for and wanted this entire time! We wanted Camden to not come too early (especially not on Christmas) and to be a January baby coming close to his due date, and now that we are actually at that point it's so much harder than we thought. Imagine that, such big fat hypocrites we are!
It's true what everyone says...the last few weeks go by so. so. so. slow! We are really happy that he is growing bigger and stronger by the day, but HELLO, we are beyond ready for him to join us. You know, in the next 7-8 days preferably...hint hint Camden James.
How I Feel: Not as bad as I expected to feel at this point. I feel good, except for the constant tossing and turning at night when I sleep. That part is horrible, but other than that, I'm not miserable by any means (no swelling, no pain, etc.) and have only little complaints. Everyone keeps telling me how small I still am, which is really nice of them to say because I feel like a whale laying out on a beach...
However, I'm over being pregnant. I'm over the waddling. I'm over chugging bottles of Mylanta (acid reflux has been a nightmare this week). I'm over not fitting into anything. I literally want to burn my maternity clothes. But most of all, I'm really wanting to get this show on the road (er-car to the hospital...) See, those are the little complaints I just mentioned.
Billy and I have been joking that we shouldn't be that shocked by all this because if he's anything like me he will be right on time and come on the 8th, or if he's anything like Billy he will show up on the 9th. Haha! ;)

left: top is maternity (here) - it's a great buy, really stretchy and fit me throughout my whole pregnancy! right: holy baby bump!
I went on a 3 mile walk a couple times last week at Billy's gym (and ran into a sweet blog reader who came up and introduced herself-it was so nice to chat with her!) and afterwards felt a lot of pressure and think he might have dropped some more? Maybe?
Am I Still Working? Yes! Thanks to the holidays and the fact that I still feel fine, I haven't felt like I needed to take any time off or start my leave early. Last week I only had to work 1.5 days and as of today I'm already off for the rest of this week, so it's been pretty great timing! I plan to continue to work up until I go into labor, too, and then will be taking a glorious 10 weeks off once Cam is here!
Progress? No signs of labor yet. As of last week doc said my cervix is softer than the previous week and he's in a great position, but I'm still not dilated and I haven't had any contractions yet. I actually get checked again today, but am not expecting much news. I'm now thinking he might be late, which I can handle, but I REALLY don't want to be induced. I'm crossing my fingers that even if he's late, he will still come within that week following, and labor will start on his own terms! If you are the praying type, I would love prayers for that.
Nervous Or Excited About Labor? I would say a combination of both, but more excited than anything else! It also doesn't help much that my husband is naive and swears that I will only be in labor for like 5 hours. I keep telling him how rare that is and to prepare for longer than that, but he just "knows it". Yeah...yeah. I'm not sure if he actually believes this or is just trying to keep my spirits up. The only thing I would say I'm nervous about is if I have to be induced-I've heard horror stories and would prefer to avoid it.
In the meantime, we're going out for another "this could be our last potential fancy dinner out for a while" date night tonight for New Years Eve..I got my eyebrows done..scheduled a mani/pedi (I mean might as well, right?)...and even Rocky is getting a fresh cut tomorrow so he looks all handsome for his little brothers arrival!! Things could definitely be worse, I guess! ;) And now that I type all that out, it's actually pretty kind of our little man to give us these last few moments to do all this...but that doesn't mean this waiting is easy.
If he's not here by early next week, I plan to try some things at home to hopefully get him going. I've heard lots of walking, squats, red raspberry leaf tea, sex, spicy food, and bouncing on an exercise ball can help. Any other suggestions moms?! And what did you do to help pass the time? I need some activities to keep me busy!
*I really hope this is the last pregnancy update and the next time you hear from me will be his cute birth announcement picture! I still have a few other posts that will be up (a great giveaway tomorrow!) but other than that I will probably post on instagram for a while until I get a post up, so follow me there if you'd like! Thank you for all your prayers and support, girls! Happy New Years Eve!!
Activities to pass with family, play games, sit in your jammies! The week I was overdue I had the TIME of my life playing games with my family, going out for late night milkshakes with Jon, watching silly movies... it was such a sweet sweet week!
ReplyDeleteEverything about this bumpdate made me laugh because I feel exactly how you do right now!!! And I should know better, because my first was five days late (and I was induced..which really wasn't bad at all!)!! The last weeks are seriously the worse! Last night I started packing up the maternity clothes and bringing in my normal clothes and I felt like I went on a shopping spree (hey anything to keep me busy!) Enjoy your night out and try all the things you mentioned above (mexican food worked for 3 of my girlfriends!) Your sweet Camden will be here soon!
ReplyDeletehahaha, thank you Abby! Glad someone can relate! That isn't a bad idea about the clothes might be onto something with that. ;) I'm doing anything at this point to keep me and my mind busy! Thank you for the prayers and wishes and GOOD LUCK to you!! :)
DeleteSuch an exciting time! It's like you're literally waiting for the ball to drop. Haha! What put me into labor was literally moving non-stop the day before (because we moved into our new house), but I wouldn't recommend that ;-) Good luck - he'll be here so soon! :)
ReplyDeleteYour pregnancy reminds me (or sounds like) so much of my own! I remember thinking my daughter would never come out. I went to my 39 week appointment and he said I had made no progress, no contractions, nothing... and she was born that afternoon :) Very quick labor and very unexpected! It can happen - and probably will for you soon! Good luck with everything - you'll do great!
ReplyDeleteOh I'm so glad I'm not the only one feeling like this! I was all "He will wait until after the new year!" and the day after Christmas I became "GET THIS KID OUT OF ME!" Now I'm just hoping all of my talk doesn't come back to bite me and he comes this week.
ReplyDeleteGood luck! We've made it to the end!
HAHA! That is exactly how I have been too!! It's like once Christmas passed, I switched and have been so antsy! Well, you only have one day left to make it through until the new year! Good luck to you as well girl!
DeleteI'm with you on the over being pregnant thing, and I still have 6 weeks til my due date!! Hang in there mama, he'll be here before you know it! :)
ReplyDeleteHappy new year! Can't wait to see that sweet New Years baby!
ReplyDeleteNow that the holidays are over, I know I will be in the same boat as you, wondering when he will arrive. But really, since I haven't touched the nursery, it would be a great thing he he waited a couple more weeks. Eek! ;)
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ReplyDeleteI was induced with my 2nd boy and it was NOT horrible. I was so bummed when my fluid got low at 38w4d and my dr felt it was best and safest for baby to induce. I, too, had heard the horror stories. My first birth was no epidural and my water broke at 34w6d. That labor was quick - less than 8 hours. I figured the induction mean a super long, intense labor. Now, it was intense. But it was SHORT! I'm not exaggerating when I say I got to the hospital at 12:30pm, started the drip at about 1pm, dr broke my water at 2:30pm and my sweet boy was in my arms at 4:30pm. Again, I didn't have an epidural so I will say the labor was a bit more intense but it was shorter :)
ReplyDeleteAlso, I love the name you've picked out. Our oldest is Cameron James, so I'm a fan :)
Prayers for a safe, smooth, short delivery!!!
I was induced with my first (who is 10 months) and I didn't find it it be that bad. I actually kind of enjoyed it! The nurse came in every half hour or so and increased the amount of drug. This kept my labour going and my son was born after only 7.5 hours.
ReplyDeleteDid you take care of food for the two weeks or so after Camden appears? My friend set up a Mealbaby sign up for people to sign up to bring dinners. It was fabulous. With my first, we got home and my husband said "what's for dinner?" Setting that up could kill some time!
ReplyDeleteIf you have to be induced, you will be just fine. I am so type A that making that appointment, having all my ducks in a row, and having MY actual doctor deliver my son was great. Long, but not painful, no stress on the baby, etc. my last two weeks were spent in prodromal labor (labor with no progress, which was awesome), so needless to say, I was OVER IT;) I was set to be induced with my first and the night before, I had her on my own. Both ways were fine...just don't be scared to be induced if that is what the doctor suggests. More than anything, it was just kind of boring! You are so close!
Hang in there! I have about 10 more weeks to go, so I can only IMAGINE how you are feeling!
ReplyDeleteI started reading your blog a few months ago, and y'all are a precious family. Looking forward to y'alls new addition....hopefully SOON!
Hope this last week-ish is a quick one for you!! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteCome on sweet little Camden James - the whole blogging world is waiting to meet you precious man! I'm also sticking to my guess of the 8th - sorry momma x
ReplyDeleteI am glad that you will still be able to have the epi.. I am sure you are thankful for that goodness knows I would be... With that come on Camden! This whole little blog world is waiting to meet you..
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you have heard yet but all 10 seasons of Friends are now on Netflix....I may or may not have been binge watching all day today haha!! Good luck waiting it out...cannot wait to see your adorable baby boy!!
ReplyDeleteHi Katie, What size tops do you order from ASOS maternity? Has that been your favorite maternity store? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThe end of pregnancy is definitely bittersweet. You're so excited to be done and meet the baby, but you also want them to grow until they're ready! You look great mama - can't wait to see the announcement pic! :)
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