
Easy Ways To Stay Inspired To Live Healthier

via (follow me on the Pin here)

Find your "why">> Is it to lose x amount of pounds? To fit into your favorite pair of skinny jeans again? To live a healthier, more well balanced life so you have more energy? Maybe for a certain health reason? 

Whatever your "why" is (it's different for everyone!), get to the core of it and make it clear and precise. 

Make your goals visible>>So you've figured out your why but you think just remembering in your head is going to do the job? It won't. Plaster them on the front of your refrigerator...in your planner...anywhere. My personal favorite is the refrigerator for two reasons. 1. It helps curb your snacking when you feel like reaching in there for something unhealthy or something you may not need-with your goals right in your face, you will think before eating it. 2. It's there to remind your spouse/significant other that you're working towards something, and hopefully they are right there to support you and won't be asking you to join them at McDonald's anytime soon.

Find 2 weeks worth of healthy meals and put them on rotation in the beginning>> If you don't have a plan, you will fail. When I switched to being a pescatarian many years ago, this was the one thing that kept me going. I turned to Pinterest to find easy meals that looked yummy that I could make for 2 weeks. Mainly I just looked up dinner recipes since that's the hardest meal for me to think of ideas, but I would recommend breakfast and lunch as well if you don't have ideas for those. It may seem boring to eat the same type of foods and/or meals for 2 weeks, but it's worth it. It will get your mind and body into a habit which is key. See below.

As I just mentioned, I truly believe once you get into the habit of eating healthier (or exercising more) it is much easier to stick with it. Say goodbye to your old habits and start building good ones! 

Prep for the coming week>> Make sure you have all the food you need at home for your meals and prepare it the Sunday before. This may mean washing your veggies, cutting up all your fruit into containers, or even making sure that dreaded laundry is done so that you have your favorite workout clothes readily available to pack up! (another tip: I always pack my gym bag before bed so it's ready for the following day)

Keep a journal>> It's fun to track your progress and to see how far you've come!

*Thank you all for your feedback yesterday, I tried to respond directly to each of you yesterday at some point and also replied to some in the comment section. My plan is to just make sure I'm doing a good balance of all my favorite topics...from healthy recipes to personal to fashion finds. Not every post will be everyone's favorite, but by doing it this way I'm writing about what I most enjoy and {hopefully) providing a good mix of all things! I'm actually linking up this post today for Katie's new link-up (some of you were looking for some? here is one!) called Healthy Habits.  Happy we almost made it to Friday day!


  1. I literally JUST finished writing a post for tomorrow about how I've totally lost my motivation because of a very stupid injury. This couldn't have been timed more perfectly. Thanks pretty lady.

  2. Great tips!! So far this year my goal was to use my lunch breaks for the gym since there is one like 5 minutes from my work. Developing the habit was hard in the beginning, but now it's my FAVORITE thing to do during the week to get away from all the stress & to kill it at the gym. Working out = wanting to eat healthier. Love these tips girl! xo

  3. Some great ideas! (and hi!) I think I'm going to take my printed 'mantra', and tape it to the fridge, or bathroom mirror. (or maybe both.) MAYBE that will get my husband down my same healthier path (he's 16 years younger and not overweight, but anyone can get a better quality life by eating healthier.) Thanks!

  4. Great ideas! We will be putting these to good use this summer. My husband and I have signed up for the drawing for a half marathon., so that I am super excited for!! xoxo

    Allison over at Allison's Eye

  5. LOVE this! Especially the part about know your why (my fellow Jillian Michaels fan :))! I keep certain images on my phone so I can flip through when I need thinspiration and I follow a lot of different people on Insta that post about their healthy decisions. Keep up the great work over here lady!

  6. Thank you for this post. I have been really struggling lately and this was a welcomed reminder to help me get back on track!

  7. i love this! i used to just tell myself that i would eat healthy, and that was enough, and i never did. i recently put together a list of all the healthy snacks/foods i can have and made a plan- and now i'm finally sticking to it!

  8. These are great!!! I definitely need to pick my fav healthy meals and put them on repeat!

  9. Love all of these tips, girl!! I seriously need to get better at meal planning. I am SO BAD at it! But it really does make everything so much easier. I too set out my workout clothes the night before- it definitely helps!

    Thanks so much for linking up!! :)


  10. As I'm reading this, I'm shoving my face with Gelato. The meal planning is the thing I'm the worst at. Thanks for the wake up call, and tips ;)

  11. Love this post!! Such great tips to keep it easy and get moving!!! I think because the fitness world is so big it can be difficult to start because we aren't sure even where to start.. :) cant wait to read more post about fitness

  12. Fail to plan, plan to fail. Good reminders to get motivated again or get back on track!

  13. Keeping a journal is definitely the best way for me. That way I can see my progress through numbers even if I can't physically tell yet :)


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