
Some Pretty Cool "Chicks"

Exciting things today, friends.

I spent most of Friday evening making treats to bring to Cleveland for Easter.
With only a minor mishap, both desserts turned out pretty darn good!

Right when I saw these Oreo chicks on Pinterest, I knew they would be pretty easy (or so I thought) and I wanted to make them. At first I couldn't find yellow candy melts anywhere so I just picked up white ones and thought I could use food coloring and dye them yellow (this was the minor mishap). Ehh...not so much. Do not try and do that if you make these. The food coloring causes the chocolate to harden and you can't dip the oreos in it. Billy came to the rescue when he went out on a search and found yellow candy melts for me.

I followed these directions to make the Oreo chicks
and they were a huge hit!
Just make sure you put the pretzel "feet" into the oreos right when you dip them
before the chocolate hardens.

...definitely keep these in mind for Easter next year.

I also made these cupcake bird nests.
Click that link to get the directions/recipe.
At this point, I was feeling pretty Martha Stewart-y. Go on, judge me.
I used funfetti (only the best) cake mix instead of the vanilla cake mix the recipe calls for, vanilla icing, coconut, and jellybeans.
These were so easy to make, but gives the impression that I got creative (when really Pinterest did most of it for me..;))

Pretty cute, no?!
How'd I do?


  1. I love those sweet treats..so cute! You did a wonderful job :)

    Callie, I really enjoyed that post! I'm from North Carolina and I feel like people have those same ideas about us too, and they're not true..for the most part :) haha!

  2. You definately shouldn't have chickened out during college...they teach you drawing classes in Interior Design! I went to school for Interior Design, I was there 5 years and my first year was ALL drawing. I actually hated the drawing part of it and once I got into the program I realized that you draw very little...unfortunately I do not work as an Interior Designer...I live in Iowa and there isn't a good market for it here.

  3. Love the Oreo chicks! I made these a few years ago and they were a total hit!

  4. Look at you Mrs. Martha Stewart - too cute! I love both desserts :)

  5. cute chick oreos, those look so good! i've had oreos dipped in chocolate and seriously the bombdotcom!

    callie, i really enjoyed your post, hoping over to your blog right now!

  6. OMGOSH those chicks!!! how cure are they! and the fact that they are oreos makes it absolutely amazing! (MY FAV COOKIEE!)

    look at you all bakerwoman! i love it! so creative :-)

    and how cute is Callie!! I need to go stalk her blog! I esp love how she used the keep calm/carry on phrase hahah TOO CUTE!

    k im going to go read the past 3 posts of yours that ive missed because ive been so MIA from blogworld lately!


  7. Love this!! YOu know me...anyone from the South is a friend of mine! ;)

    Callie-you MUST do a vlog. I NEED to hear that accent of yours!! Come on....

    So glad you established the fact that just because we're from the South doesn't mean we have confederate flag tattoos.. THANK YOU!!

    Oh ya, Katie, I supppppposed all your Easter treats were pretty darn good. ;)

  8. Your Easter treats came out so cute! Well done, friend. :)

  9. Those little chicks are adorable! Nice work woman.

  10. Those little chicks are so freakin' cute! I totally pinned them for next year... :)

  11. The Easter treats look great! I too learned that lesson back at Christmas when trying to be cute with whatever I was making!

    I love Callie & will def be visiting her blog soon!

  12. Love Callie! And those treats look deelish. So Martha Stewart of you katie!

  13. Those chicks are the cutest! I am definitely making them next year. xo

  14. Those Oreo chicks are awesome-- I didn't know yellow chocolate melts even existed?! You can obviously tell how "Martha Stewart-esque" I am, huh!?

  15. awesome post! love the pics =]

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