
Fan of {Fridays}

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happy friday, friends.

and a special "hello" to my new followers! :)

This time next week I will be in one of my favorite cities {Naples, FL} surrounded by the ocean and palm trees, so I just had to post a summery picture today to get me all excited to go. Billy and I can't wait to get there, and are so excited Steph and BBFT will be staying with us. They are in for a real treat... ;)

What's the weekend plans?!

Here's a little bit of what I got goin' on...

Date night with Billy tonight
dinner at Black Olive in the Short North


some of this...

{obsessed with these books ladies}

..obviously a girl needs some chocolate
 while reading, no?!


baking these DELISH Brie and Raspberry cups...

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 Holly's wine night party tomorrow!

{Holly and Me}

wine, girls night with my best friend Lindsay and
 some of my fav Columbus bloggers...what could be better?!

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{this. is. awesome}

Earlier this week, I came home from work to see that Billy
brought home these for me...

I just love tulips.
and it's little things like that that make me so happy!

{are you on instagram? follow me @ whalenkat}

Sunday is my stepmom's birthday so we will be celebrating that and then going to our friends house to watch the Superbowl! I'd like for the Giants to win..but don't really care either way. Who are you cheering for?!

Have a fantabulous weekend!



*Have you entered my giveaway yet?!
It's still open, so what are you waiting for?

get. on. that :)

**ps-The lovely Meghan from little girl in the big world is having
an amazing giveaway for a Stella & Dot bracelet. As you all know, I'm obsessed with Rose Gold (and to help Breast Cancer) so I HAVE to win!! enter here-or just let me win. ;)


  1. Love this! :) Have a great weekend friend! AND HAVE A BLAST IN FLORIDA!!!

  2. Sounds like the perfect weekend. Those brie cups sound devine! yum.

  3. Who is BBFT? Feel like I should know, but don't. It's date night for us tonight too! Were gonna check out a new restaurant in town then hit up the wine bar with our friends. Should be fun! Happy weekend. And...I don't even know who's playing in the super bowl? Obviously, I watch for the food ;)

  4. Fun, fun weekend!! Wine and bloggers, what more could you need?!

  5. aww flowers for no reason?! that has to be the absolute best : )

    looks like you are going to have an awesome weekend... and an awesome Florida getaway! what a great time of year to go


  6. Hope you have a good weekend. Love these pictures, especially the last one since it's so true!

  7. I need the recipe to the raspberry brie cups!!! DELISH!

  8. I need to buy some pretty tulips! I hope you and B have fun at date night tonight! :)

  9. love the Hunger Games!

  10. you have a fabulous weekend planned! enjoy!

    and Giants all the way :)

  11. Have fun on your date tonight with Billy-boo! Black Olive is to DIE FOR. Enjoy!

    HUNGRY GAMES! YAY! I cannot wait to recap when you are all finished! I have a picture I will be emailing you after I hit the "submit' button of this comment! WAIT FOR IT!

    Sorry about last night, it was a mess. Poor little girl, and not to mention, I HATE HATE HATE Children's Hospital. I cannot stand to see all the sick babies, makes me so sad and so helpless.



  12. OMG I need to make that board for Saturday! I'm so excited to host you ladies!!

  13. What a lovely little weekend you have planned! I too am obsessed with those darn books!

  14. I LOVE Naples! My family has a condo there so we go every year! Enjoy!

  15. Sounds like a great weekend! Enjoy it. :)

  16. Sounds like a blast-- this weekend and your trip, too!!! Have so much fun. Happy Friday :)

  17. I just bought a hat like that today at J. Crew. I can't wait to wear it. Hope you have so much fun!

  18. What a fun little weekend you're going to have, thanks for giving us a glimpse into it! :)

  19. Summer! I'm sooo ready for it!! Sooo jealous that you are going to Florida next week - I need to plan a tropical vaca soon...

    I love the tulips, such a thoughtful hubsy!

  20. So sweet that he surprised you with flowers! It really is the little things that make a difference! Sounds like an exciting weekend and I am BEYOND jealous that you are going to the beach! Jealous!

    Go Giants :)

  21. LOVE your white dress...SO cute!

    And that weekend cartoon is SO true!

  22. I wish I could pull off a big hat like that!
    You totally could....me not so much!!!
    Have fun in Florida


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