Good morning, friends!
The start of another week is upon us. A busy week for me! I have my final, championship soccer game tonight {undefeated I might add} and Billy's Dad and Uncle are coming in town for a visit on Thursday. After this weekend, I have so much on my mind that I decided to share my thoughts via Misc. Monday! I don't know about you, but lists make me feel organized even when I may not be.

Here we go.
#1. The CBS documentary that was on last night for 9/11: 10 years later. This documentary was so informative and eye opening. Did anyone catch it? My emotions were all over the place. The part that hit me the most was this: people are still losing their lives 10 yrs later from complications of 9/11. They mentioned 2 men {firefighters} who have recently passed away from being diagnosed with certain blood diseases and cancers...their doctors believe this was a direct result from all the toxins breathed in from 9/11. I find it unreal that the EPA back then said "not to worry" about the air quality. I can only imagine all the toxins and gases they breathed in that day. So, so sad.
Before watching this, I went with my parents last night to my high school where they had a 9/11 tribute. They had 3,000 flags on the practice football field in honor of every victim. Not only that-they had bagpiper tributes and bell ringings every hour. Here are some pictures I took.

#2. Speaking of emotions-Billy ended up having to fly to Philly yesterday for work. On my way to the aiport, it suddenly hit me he was traveling on 9/11 and I was a wreck. His flight was supposed to leave at 6pm but they ended up sitting on the plane until 8:30pm before taking off. I felt so bad for him. I was going crazy! I just wanted him to get there already. He made it safely, finally around 10:15pm. He will be back tonight and I'm so thankful because I couldn't sleep AT ALL last night..I tossed and turned every hour.
#3. It was a great weekend for my football teams! OSU came out with a win over Toledo (even though it was close) and my Bengals battled our other Ohio NFL team, The Browns, and won!
I love football season! Here are the pictures I neglected from you last week from tailgaiting...
We didn't end up tailgaiting this weekend because we had a charity walk for my stepsisters work in the morning and we wanted to just relax after. How cute are these little ones?

{That's the hubs on the left, stepmom Judy, and niece Lia}

{niece Mara & nephew Jude}
#4. I cooked/baked more than normal this past weekend. On Saturday for the game, I made an apple {or for any fruit} dip that my Mom used to make all the time. It was so nice to make it on her birthday..I loved keeping the tradition alive. I also made a spicy vegetarian chili and Billy was in charge of a cheese dip....we had a nice little spread for during the game!
I also made a peach cobbler on Sunday for the Bengals vs. Browns game. My best friend Lindsay came over to watch it and we scarfed it down!
*I will post the recipes for both this week. Pinterest doesn't seem to be working right now so I can't pull them up!
#5. If you saw my post on Saturday, I'm now on Twitter. Conclusion? #somewhataddicted. Just sayin'.....
*find me on there, if you haven't already! @katiewkrysh
#6. I would like it to cool off again here so I can wear this new scarf I got that I loveee..only $11 from F21. You should go buy it.

Unfortunately, that's all I've got for today.
I may have to break my coffee only on Friday's rule today.
I'm what they call D-R-A-G-G-I-N-G.
What were your weekend plans?! Do you need relaxing weekends once in a while like I do?

great post! I watched the documentary too with my mom and it was very touching and at the same time eye opening about what happened. Great football pictures too, I love football season, Sundays become my favorite day of the week during this time of the year.
you should break your coffee rule every day.. can't live without mine!! Where are all the beautiful pics of us tailgating HUH?? No shout out to this blogger?! Looks like you had a great weekend!! Glad Billy is okay... Don't blame you for being a mess!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great way to have a memorial for 9/11..So sorry your hubby had to fly out yesterday! I'm sure that really was nerve wracking! Can't wait for the recipes on your delicious makings! Esp. the apple dip! ;)
ReplyDeleteSeeing all of the flags on the field gave me the chills. Most school wouldn't have done that - including my old high school even though we had parents lost at the WTC.
ReplyDeleteBreak the rules - enjoy some coffee!
I watched that same documentary - could not stop watching. I even think I have seen that special before. Love the pics from Coffman, I acutally passed the flags this morning going to work - I didnt realize they even did that until my mom told me last night that she went to the ceremony .. thats awesome! You were a little cooking machine this past weekend, I will be over later for some cobbler. :) It felt weird not to be tailgaiting this saturday, we didnt go down and next weekend I have a wedding ... booo! anywho - have a great day!!
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I'm loving that your niece's name is LIA! We spell it the same :) I've never seen anyone spell it like my name before :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree, I need it to cool off again. We are back up to 100+ here in north Texas :(
Sounds like a fun weekend! :)
ReplyDeleteHi lady! First. I miss you. Second. I watched the CBS Special last night. It broke my heart. Actually, I spent most of my Sunday watching documentaries about 9/11... I always watched VH1's special "A Concert 4 NY" it was a-maaaaa-zing. Third. I'm so glad Billy made it safe. That's very scary that he had to fly that day. Fourth. The bucks pictures are super cute. I can't wait to do it again SOOON! Fifth. You're pretty. And lastly. Let's yoga my dear lady.
So many great things went on this weekend! I saw that you were on twitter! I followed you :)
ReplyDeleteI think it's so sweet you are keeping the tradition and making your mom's dishes! My dad was a big oatmeal raising cookie maker and he always made stir-fry. I can't help but think of him when I make those things! Also, I feel exactly the same way when Rob is traveling! So far I've only been home one night when he wasn't there (usually it's the other way around) and it was so stressful! I was scared to death! Glad he's coming home today!
ReplyDeleteI felt the same way about miscellany Monday- made me feel organized even if I'm not completely :) I missed the documentary but I love your picture of the flags! I can't wait til scarf weather, either. I feel ya on that one, girlfriend!
ReplyDeleteHappy Monday! I am dragging as well. Boo! I missed the documentary, I am so bummed. Although I did watch the kids of 9/11 doc and it was really touching. Glad you'll have your hubby back tonight, I always hate it when mine is gone too. Feel better!
ReplyDeletemy dad flew yesterday too, i think that day will always be a little bit fearful for anyone to fly on or be in a place where there is a ton of people, we are forever changed due to those events
ReplyDeletegreat post...I saw the documentary and it was so moving..I have been a mess all weekend....
ReplyDeleteHave a good week
Sounds like it was a great weekend! Well, except for Billy's flight being so delayed! I can't wait to see these recipes :)
ReplyDeleteThose flag pics are amazing!! I want fall scarves too!!
ReplyDeleteThe pictures of the flags are the tribute gave me chills and HELLO, how hot are those tailgatin WHOA-MEN! :) xoxo
ReplyDeleteJust sent a request to follow you on Twitter :)
ReplyDeleteI totally have a Friday-only coffee rule haha!
Looks like a fun weekend!!
ReplyDeleteI saw that you are reading 'Racing the in Rain'...get some tissues ready! It is SO good but definitely a tear jerker!
I spend at least 4 hours a weekend doing NOTHING...aka: Facebook, watch a movie, drink a glass of wine, etc...being busy ALL the time drives me nuts.
ReplyDeleteAlso I wanted to say thanks to you I am now a half vegetarian! I cut out all red meat and only eat chicken like 3-4 times a week...always mixed with veggies or in a soup!
Hey! I love reading your blog. I wanted to let you know that I've nomiated you for the versatile blogger award. Hop on over to my page and check it out!
I watched that too about the air quality and was balling crying! :( So sad! All those people thought they were alive and in the clear, and only to find out now they have or will most likely have cancer from all that mess! Terrible terrible! We need to pray for them all!!! XO